Secrets of Famous Women's Handwriting

John Jameson-Davis

JamesonD Handwriting Specialist
Notice Period:
Emergency (maybe less than one week's notice)
Paid: £60 to £80
14th October 2024

A look at various handwritings from famous women, examining the personalities of the writers in a light-hearted way, showing how graphology can reveal so much about people from their handwriting.

Views: 175 | Enquiries: 0

About John Jameson-Davis

Born and bred in Bournemouth, I moved to Wiltshire in 2002. I became interested in handwriting in the 1970s and trained professionally at the turn of the century. I am qualified as a Questioned Document examiner.

Before that I trained as an actor.

My work mainly entails the examination of questioned signatures but I am also asked to look at questioned handwriting, dates and figures.

My most unusual assignment was to trace the author of an abusive message scrawled with a blade on the bonnet of a car.

I enjoy entertaining my audiences by leading them through the twists and turns of forensic handwriting examination in The Detection of Forged Signatures. I have another talk called Secrets of Famous Women's Handwriting.

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