Resisting the Invader

Dr Julia Phillips

West Midlands
Notice Period:
Emergency (maybe less than one week's notice)
Paid: £0 (charities) to £250 (commercial)
24th September 2024
Witchcraft | Ww2 | Folklore | Magic

Numerous accounts of a witchcraft ritual taking place in England during WWII have been published over the last 70 years.

It has been repeated so frequently that the story is firmly embedded within the folklore of modern Britain, and the narrative has become so widespread that seeking information about it using Google returns more than 32 million references.

This presentation looks at the story to better understand its possible origins and its elaborations within contemporary Pagan imagination: firstly, by reviewing the relevant sources to show how the narrative has developed over the past 70 years; secondly, by situating the story of the 1940 ritual within the context of everyday life in southern England during the war years; and finally, by reflecting on its role as a formative narrative among generations of Pagans.

Views: 229 | Enquiries: 0

About Dr Julia Phillips

I am experienced speaker who loves the opportunity to talk about witchcraft, folklore and magic. My doctoral thesis examined the way in which witchcraft was featured in the press in Victorian Britain.

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