A. I. Coffin, Doctor or Quack? Healing or Harming? You decide.

Gay Evans SpeakerNet Sponsor

Gay Evans
East Midlands
Notice Period:
Emergency (maybe less than one week's notice)
Paid: £55
3rd September 2024

Albert Isaiah Coffin styled himself as a Professor of Medical Botany, a M.D., a Physician, and a Herbalist. He was born in America and arrived in England around 1832-1838. He travelled around the country, delivered various lectures, and published several books and leaflets. He engaged agents and encouraged people to join his friendly societies. He was often a witness at various inquests and trials where he or agents were accused of manslaughter. He was considered a thorn in the side of the established medical profession, especially by a Dr. Letheby. Did his medicines kill or cure? How will you judge him?

Views: 359 | Enquiries: 0

About Gay Evans

All talks, anywhere via Zoom. I’m based near Derby but happy to travel across the East Midlands. I have been conducting genealogical/family history research for over 37 years. During that time, several talks developed from my research: Derby County Asylum; Annoying Ancestors; Australian Gold Rush; and The Last English Peer hanged for murder. Full list below.

Alongside the talks, I also offer quizzes using vintage household items. They are not the usual question-based quiz, but participants actually get to handle the vintage items whilst trying to determine what they are. This usually ensures that there is plenty of chatter and reminiscing.

NOTE: Zoom talks are £50.

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