A notebook kept by the Milford Nightwatchmen in the 1830s was handed over to Belper Historical Society in 2022. After transcribing the book, it was possible to identify the people involved, the places that attracted trespassers and the punishments meted out to offenders. All in all, it shows a very detailed picture of a different side of local life.
Views: 282 | Enquiries: 0Strutt's North Mill is a Grade I listed building located in Belper, Derbyshire, which was constructed using pioneering iron framed 'fire proof' technology. The mill complex was built by the Strutt family who harnessed water power to mechanise cotton spinning and transformed Belper into the world's first cotton mill town. The complex along with key sites along the Derwent valley was inscribed in 2001 as a World Heritage Site.
The Belper North Mill Trust is a volunteer run charity that is dedicated to educating the public about this wonderful and important heritage. We offer tours of the Belper Mill site, events, education sessions, walks and also a number of talks about the mills, history and the local area, which have been comprehensively researched by the speaker.
All proceeds go to the continued operation of the Trust to keep sharing the internationally important heritage of Belper and the Derwent Valley Mills World Heritage Site.
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