Rudyard Kipling's life story, told in his own words, and interspersed with 'dramatic' readings of some of his best known and best loved poetry. I have now performed it over 200 times, including several times at Bateman's, Rudyard Kipling's former home now managed by the National Trust, and as a 'sold out' performance at the Farnham Literary Festival 2024.
Will be performing throughout the day at Bateman’s on 26th August 2024.
"I just wanted to tell you how very much I enjoyed your performance last night. It was a tour de force. I particularly admired your empathy with and loyalty to the great man (who once told stories to my father as a child). You took no easy routes and presented a thought-provoking, well-rounded and entirely fair portrait of Kipling. Poems I thought I knew well I saw in a fresh light. You are a fine actor, and I found it all very moving. I hope I'll have the privilege of hearing you again one day. " - Audience Member, Farnham Literary Festival, March'24
"I think i can safely say your performance last night went down a storm. I had so many comments about how much people enjoyed your 'tour de force' , how much they learnt and how the hour just swept by. You managed to get under the man's skin and convey such a range of emotions. it really was a magnificent performance…….we were so lucky and privileged to have you do it for us". - East Meon Arts May'24
Views: 413 | Enquiries: 2Have been giving talks and performances since I took early retirement in 2010 after a career mainly in IT. I have now delivered over 1,000 talks/performances.
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