Rudyard Kipling: Something of Myself

Jonathan Jones

South East
Notice Period:
Short (maybe less than one month's notice)
Paid: £60 plus travel at 20ppm from Farnham, Surrey.
13th July 2024

Rudyard Kipling's life story, told in his own words, and interspersed with 'dramatic' readings of some of his best known and best loved poetry. I have now performed it over 200 times, including several times at Bateman's, Rudyard Kipling's former home now managed by the National Trust, and as a 'sold out' performance at the Farnham Literary Festival 2024.

Will be performing throughout the day at Bateman’s on 26th August 2024.

"I just wanted to tell you how very much I enjoyed your performance last night. It was a tour de force. I particularly admired your empathy with and loyalty to the great man (who once told stories to my father as a child). You took no easy routes and presented a thought-provoking, well-rounded and entirely fair portrait of Kipling. Poems I thought I knew well I saw in a fresh light. You are a fine actor, and I found it all very moving. I hope I'll have the privilege of hearing you again one day. " - Audience Member, Farnham Literary Festival, March'24

"I think i can safely say your performance last night went down a storm. I had so many comments about how much people enjoyed your 'tour de force' , how much they learnt and how the hour just swept by. You managed to get under the man's skin and convey such a range of emotions. it really was a magnificent performance…….we were so lucky and privileged to have you do it for us". - East Meon Arts May'24

Views: 413 | Enquiries: 2

About Jonathan Jones

Have been giving talks and performances since I took early retirement in 2010 after a career mainly in IT. I have now delivered over 1,000 talks/performances.

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