A Medieval Christmas

Michael Brown

Notice Period:
Emergency (maybe less than one week's notice)
Paid: £95 plus travel expenses
12th December 2023

‘A Medieval Christmas’ –

A talk presented in 14 century clothing about the Christmas traditions, myths and plants of the medieval period, with music played on early instruments.

Views: 547 | Enquiries: 2

About Michael Brown

I am an ex- professional horticulturist/Head Gardener and college lecturer in horticulture and garden history, with an MA in Garden History.

My other interest is medieval history, especially daily life, music and pilgrimage.

I designed and set out the medieval gardens at the Prebendal Manor, Nassington, which was once the biggest fully authentic reproductiono f a medieval garden in Europe. Sadly much of the graden was later removed to make the site a wedding venue.

I have written three books, all published by White Owl Books/Pen and Sword. Death in the Garden, about poisonous plants. An Introduction to Medieval Gardens, Gardens in the Age ofChilvalry. Medieval Plants and their Uses.

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