Tales Of A Tour Manager

Cherry Mullins

Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk
Notice Period:
Emergency (maybe less than one week's notice)
Paid: Available upon request
27th December 2022

Tales Of A Tour Manager is a light hearted look at Cherry's excerpts from over 30 years experience of being a European Tour Guide – brought to life through a slide show, combining stories and poems of places and people she’s encountered along the way.

Views: 2083 | Enquiries: 30

About Cherry Mullins

Cherry Mullins is an engaging speaker who gives talks on a wide variety of topics. She loves bringing her talks to life with beautiful slides and often includes some of her poems. All of her talks are able to be delivered both in person and also as an online talk, as each one is accompanied with an interesting and colourful slide presentation.


Cherry has enjoyed a varied and diverse career from inspecting food factories and developing products in the food industry; cooking cordon bleu meals in a ski resort; re-training as a Paris guide and becoming a European Tour Manager before spending eleven years as MD running the UK arm of an American organisation. Over the past twenty two years, she’s developed a portfolio career which includes all the things she enjoys doing: public speaking, training, mentoring, personal and corporate coaching, writing and tour guiding.

Cherry is happy to help out at short notice if you have been let down.

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