Emily Kemp: China explorer, Great War hospital supporter and philanthropist

Richard Cullen

South East
Notice Period:
Emergency (maybe less than one week's notice)
Paid: Car travel at 45p per mile plus fee of £60
12th August 2023

Emily Kemp was a wealthy supporter of missionaries in China, a hospital for French wounded in the Great War, and a chapel for Somerville College, Oxford.

She travelled extensively and intrepidly in east Asia in the late 1800s and early 1900s, notably in China, and wrote several related books that she illustrated with her own paintings and sketches.

An early student at Somerville, in her later life she provided her old college with a chapel built according to her own concept that was controversial at the time.

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About Richard Cullen

** Chartered civil engineer and environmentalist - retired 2007**. 39 years postgraduate experience with consulting firm including over 15 years of water resources and environmental management programmes in Far East, South Asia and Former Soviet Union

  • specialist in planning, capacity building and institutional strengthening work
  • strong experience in feasibility and strategic planning, writing and related negotiations and public presentation.
  • strong experience in business development and project acquisition.

** Subsequent freelance work as independent consultant 2007 - 2012**

** Researcher and writer, principally about UK military activities 1914-45**

  • my first book - about five men and women of the Great War - was published in 2020 and has been well-reviewed.
  • my second book - about a very glamorous couple that thrived in the '20s, 30s, and '40s - is progressing well.

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