A talk all about my late mum. She was a fantastic business women and very driven.
I'll delve into my childhood, sharing how my mum evolved from a homemaker to a very successful lady. I'll share how I watched her grow and nurture small acorns into beautiful, strong oak trees. She really could turn water into wine!
My rich childhood will make for a heartfelt evening. A true story of magical memories. My mum was more that a parent: she was an excellent roll model and teacher. You will be stunned at what this fantastic lady taught me and how her work ethic has rubbed off on me. I'll let out a few secrets about recent projects I've achieved lately. You'll then discover that "Dawn", my mum runs deep within my DNA.
Let me share with your guests how good parenting enriched my life.
My mum was a great interior designer too! She built a home that was her castle. Her impeccable taste leaves me with beautiful images. Are you ready to meet "Dawn", even though shes no longer here!
Views: 639 | Enquiries: 146 year old female cancer survivor. Self published author. I released a memoir to raise money for charity and raise awareness about the importance of cervical screening. It's a not for profit, personal project. Books sold: 208. money donated in 13 weeks: £624
Late stage cancer has shaped me into a different person. I have discovered a passion for public speaking. I nurtured this skill when appearing on TV, live radio and when sharing my journey with journalists for newspaper articles. My confidence has flourished at book promotion events. You can research articles all about my journey on the internet
I had a very magical upbringing. My mum was a dedicated business lady. She's no longer in my life but I recognize my strength comes from her parenting.
I offer four talks: My cancer journey. Becoming an author. An inspiring childhood. Wellbeing
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