15 Years of my life I can't get back

Adam Pagett

Learning from insight
Notice Period:
Short (maybe less than one month's notice)
Unknown: negotiable
Life Skills
14th March 2023

Thrown out of the army for possession of drugs and spending the following 11 years as a chaotic heroin and crack cocaine user funded by crime, living on the streets and temporary accomadation, begging, going to prison, on my release working with the homeless and attending university now a qualified social worker

Views: 2459 | Enquiries: 21

About Adam Pagett

I worked in a homeless hostel supporting people with complex needs from drug and alcohol abuse, women fleeing domestic violence and care leavers to name but a few. I started this work when i left prison on 2008 after completing a 10 year sentence for drug smuggling, released on licence to serve the remainder of my sentence . I am a former soldier and prior to my conviction I spent 11 years as a drug addict using both heroin and crack cocaine daily. My life was very chaotic and i would spend frequent periods homeless and rough sleeping. I had difficulty in maintaining employment and would have to resort to begging to fund my drug use. I am now a qualified social worker

I feel I have a story to tell about my experiences, growing up in relative poverty, mixed race in a single parent family, my experience of drug addiction, homelessness and prison and how I turned my life around.

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