Curiosity about Mars Continues

Keith Townsend

East Midlands
Notice Period:
Regular (more than one month's notice)
Semi professional hobby
Paid: £75 plus travel
11th November 2021

With the amount of hardware that is either on the red planet, on it's way there or in the planning stages, the theme of this talk has moved on from being purely about the Curiosity rover. The human race has been fascinated by Mars for centuries and studying it for decades. What is happening there right now; what are the next steps in the exploration of the only other candidate in what is known as the 'Goldilox Zone'? What can Mars tell us about Earth's future and is there a long term goal here? This talk involves videos and stunning images, with the final section in 3D.

Views: 508 | Enquiries: 0

About Keith Townsend

I am an amateur astronomer, astronomical imager and Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society. I have been presenting astronomical themed talks for the last 10 years (as of 2021) and deliver a range of talks to a wide variety of groups and organisations, from Astronomical Societies, WI groups, U3A and Rotary, as well as public outreach and university associations. My talks can be viewed at Since the advent of Covid19 I have also been presenting via Zoom and remain happy to do this.

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