Launched on 12th August 2018, this adventurous probe will complete many firsts during the next seven years. It will become the fastest man-made object at around 432,000 miles per hour, it will fly closer to the sun than any other object, passing less than four million miles from the surface and it will be the first to physically encounter the sun's corona. Survival depends on brilliant engineering and a highly elliptical orbit. This talk will explore the basics of the mission and set the scene for what we can hope to learn. Get the essential background before the science starts to flow!
Views: 501 | Enquiries: 1I am an amateur astronomer, astronomical imager and Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society. I have been presenting astronomical themed talks for the last 10 years (as of 2021) and deliver a range of talks to a wide variety of groups and organisations, from Astronomical Societies, WI groups, U3A and Rotary, as well as public outreach and university associations. My talks can be viewed at Since the advent of Covid19 I have also been presenting via Zoom and remain happy to do this.
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