The talk is aimed at keeping maintaining brain health in the over 60's. The talk is given with humour and no medical jargon. It focusses on activities which can be easily achieved by those who are in retirement.
Views: 1120 | Enquiries: 33The talk on "Maintaining Brain Health During Retirement" is free. I am a semi-retired Consultant Psychologist. and have worked in hospitals in London, Oxford, and Cheltenham. At the same time, I also worked as a University Research Professor focusing on maintaining brain health. The talk is presented with humour and no medical jargon. It focuses on simple, practical, and enjoyable ways in which those in later middle age and/or retirement can keep the brain healthy. (It is important to note that the talk does not contain any mention of the dire effects of dementia or Alzheimer's.) I've given talks to Probus Clubs, Women's Institutes, u3a groups, Lions Clubs, Round Tables, Rotary Clubs, Business Clubs, plus GP in-service training courses. Previous audiences have expressed appreciation that prior to each presentation I carry out internet searches enabling me to provide specific information on where activities which promote brain health can be found in the audience’s local area.
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