Where do I start?

Jude Hayland

Notice Period:
Emergency (maybe less than one week's notice)
Paid: 80 - 100
7th July 2024

An introduction to writing for pleasure:

Where ideas come from, Sources of creativity Building characterisation Creating authentic settings Structuring the story

Views: 882 | Enquiries: 1

About Jude Hayland

I have been a writer for over 40 years.

Initially, I wrote short stories for the commercial magazine market and was extensively published both in the UK and internationally. I now write novels and have published four - commercial/literary/book group fiction - and am working on my fifth.

I also tutor creative writing, run workshops and teach groups and individuals both online and in person.

I am passionate about sharing my experiences of writing and my approach to creativity in talks as well as enjoying teaching structured courses in writing and facilitating workshops. I am happy to share my experiences of being an independent author and am proud to be an Author Ambassador for Troubador Books. I love speaking to guilds, groups, U3A, and audiences at festivals. and am a confident and enthusiastic speaker. I am happy to offer my prepared talks or to tailor my address to suit a specific audience, age group, context or event. In the past 12 months, I have run workshops at literary and writing festivals, covering areas such as Routes to Characterisation, Writing Your Way to Well-Being, The Importance of Setting and I want to write: how and where to start! I hold a B.A. hons in English Literature, a PGCE in English teaching, an M.A. in Creative Writing and LLAM and LRAM qualifications in teaching drama.

In the past year, I have spoken to groups on the following topics: Writing for Magazines, Routes into Publication, How to Write a Novel, My Literary Influences, Writing and Well-Being, The Consolation of Creativity, Writing Out of the Recent Past and Write On! - a beginners' guide to starting out, the inspiration and motivation to write.

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