Witches, Warlocks & Wellingtons: the ritual protection of the home

Dr Janet Pennington SpeakerNet Sponsor

West Sussex, East Sussex, Surrey, Kent
Notice Period:
Emergency (maybe less than one week's notice)
Paid: £75-£125
6th March 2021
Houses | Magic | History | Traditions

We all know about 'lucky' horseshoes (but why are they lucky?) and many people have a special stone, often with a hole through it, that they feel is a useful item to keep on the kitchen windowsill. Our ancestors used many more objects to protect themselves from harm, or to bring good luck to their homes and families. Witches were to be feared in earlier times and anyone, male or female, convicted of witchcraft in England would have been hanged (not burnt at the stake - this is a common misconception). This talk looks at some of the ways people in the past protected themselves and their homes from evil. Protective items will be displayed and illustrated, and can be handled at 'live' talks. There will hopefully be no Witches or Warlocks present, but a few Wellingtons will appear!

see - www.sussexhistorytalks.co.uk for more details

Views: 1332 | Enquiries: 6

About Dr Janet Pennington

I am an independent historian, giving illustrated talks in Sussex (sometimes nipping into Surrey and Kent) for 35 years. I have a PhD in early-modern Sussex inn and tavern history and give more general talks about the history of English inn signs as well as those in Sussex and south-east England. I am at present looking at the art of the inn sign. My MA dissertation is about Elizabethan courtier (or con-man!) Sir Thomas Sherley of Wiston House (West Sussex). I worked as Archivist at Lancing College, also teaching local history and palaeography in adult education at the University of Sussex. I am President of the Brighton & Hove Archaeological Society, a member of the Wealden Buildings Study Group, and am particularly interested in the ritual protection of the home. I hold a Diploma in English Local History and speak on a variety of subjects connected with Sussex and the south-east, some covering other parts of England - see the variety of talks listed on my website - www.sussexhistorytalks.co.uk - I have given many talks using ZOOM and can also host sessions. Due to my interest in and knowledge of inns, taverns and alehouses and all manner of drinking establishments in England, I have been in more pubs than most people - mainly for research purposes...

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