“Weird and Wonderful Creatures of the Medieval Bestiary

Elaine Perkins

Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire, South Yorkshire, Lincolnshire, England
Notice Period:
Short (maybe less than one month's notice)
Paid: £50 plus travel expences from Chesterfield
2nd April 2020

When it came to fabulous animals like the unicorn, dragon or griffin, it is debatable whether medieval people believed that such creatures really existed. Some undoubtedly did (as some still do today). As for fabulous creature mentioned in the Bible, (as unicorns and dragons are), the problem became more difficult; if the Bible is acknowledged to be the true word of God, any animal it mentions must surely exist. With the help of illustrations from “The Bestiary” Agnes Peterkin reveals the wonderful range of fabulous creatures. What they can do, where they live and how to protect yourself from them.”

Views: 1469 | Enquiries: 11

About Elaine Perkins

I was an historic trader, a semi professional actor and have been giving talks for over 20 years to a variety of venues including Historic groups and Battlefield Societies. I present my talks in costume as a Medieval Cunning woman, with a range of found and made objects to help people see life through the eyes of ordinary Medieval men and women.

My talks. They are informative, amusing, theatrical and presented in the First Person in Medieval costume. They are “stand alone” talks and so can be presented anywhere. I only need a table to display various small artefacts. They last about one hour, plus extra time for questions.

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