The National Garden Scheme - Will there be enough cake?

Hampshire National Garden Scheme

Hampshire National Garden Scheme
South East
Notice Period:
Short (maybe less than one month's notice)
Paid: £85 plus travel @ 45p/mile
15th January 2020

A talk that explores the history of the National Garden Scheme from its inception to the current day; taking you from its Royal beginnings to today being the single largest contributor to Nursing charities. We will reveal how funds are raised, where it goes and how our benefactors use it. Along the way we will showcase many of the stunning gardens who open their gates and welcome our wonderfully supportive visitors. We delve into the criteria and standards for opening a garden and of course discuss the often debated subject of the quantity and variety of cakes provided (which one is your favourite?) The speakers being passionate garden owners bring their experiences and personal touches to this presentation.

The talk is delivered within Hampshire's borders only. It is a powerpoint presentation and lasts approx 45-60 mins depending on group interaction.

Views: 1282 | Enquiries: 3

About Hampshire National Garden Scheme

The National Garden Scheme is an extraordinary charity. Through the generosity of over 3500 garden owners across England and Wales who open their gardens to the public and our thousands of visitors who visit these gardens, we are able to donate an incredible £3m to national nursing, care and health charities every year. Here in Hampshire we have over 120 gardens to visit of all shapes and sizes, each of them unique in its own way. Whether you are looking for a formal garden, a plantsman's garden, a tropical garden, a wildlife friendly garden or just something quirky and different you will find them here. Hampshire National Garden Scheme has a small pool of experienced, committed garden owners and county team members who will deliver this informative talk in your chosen area.

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