Beyond the Garden Gate - my guide to Cotswold Gardens

Mandy Bradshaw

Gloucestershire, Warwickshire, Worcestershire, Oxfordshire, Wiltshire
Notice Period:
Emergency (maybe less than one week's notice)
Paid: £85 per talk until end 2020. £90 2021 onwards. 35p a mile travelling costs.
26th June 2019
Gardens | Gardening | Plants

This is a fully illustrated look at around a dozen of the Cotswolds' less well-known but lovely gardens. Drawing on interviews with the owners, it will give you an insight into how the gardens were created, and what makes them special.

Views: 1697 | Enquiries: 15

About Mandy Bradshaw

I am a Cotswolds-based journalist, specialising in gardening and a member of the Garden Media Guild. In 2018, I was named Garden Journalist of the Year in the Property Press Awards, a title that went to Alan Titchmarsh in 2019. My blog was shortlisted for Blog/Vlog of the Year in the 2022 Garden Media Guild Awards.

My work appears in newspapers, magazines and websites, and I write the monthly gardening feature for Cotswold Life magazine.

My talks give you an insight into the beautiful gardens of the Cotswolds and a behind-the-scenes glimpse of press day at Chelsea, the world's most famous flower show.

Most of my talks are to gardening clubs but I have also been booked by WI, lunch clubs and U3A, with many repeat bookings.


  • “Just wanted to say how much I enjoyed your presentation.”
  • “Thank you for a superb talk and so well presented.”
  • “I have had a couple of emails to say how good you are so thank you.”
  • “. . . a very enjoyable talk and great photos.”
  • “Everyone thoroughly enjoyed it.”
  • “I have received only positive feedback . . . 'She really knew her stuff inside out.', 'One of the best speakers we've ever had.', 'I'm not much for gardening but she made me want to get out there....'. Praise indeed!”

I prefer to travel within the Cotswolds but am prepared to consider further afield in the SW with a one-hour drive limit so do inquire.

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