Orangutans- all about orangutans and why they are endangered

Alison Bristo

South West
Notice Period:
Regular (more than one month's notice)
Paid: 70.00 plus expenses if more than 10 miles from Gravesend, Kent
12th January 2020

Orangutans have almost 98% the same DNA as humans. They can only be found in Sumatra and Borneo. They are gentle, intelligent apes that are now critically endangered.
In my talk I share my extensive knowledge about orangutans, stories and experiences with them and why they are in danger. I also talk about the amazing things that are now being done to save them and their rainforest. I give a power-point presentation and show a film of my time with orangutans.

Views: 1325 | Enquiries: 2

About Alison Bristo

I have had a passion about orangutans for many years and when I became seriously ill, it was the desire to visit them in Borneo, that gave me the strength and determination to get well. After 3 years of battling with my illness, I fulfilled my dream and went to work with orangutans in Borneo.

Since then I have returned to Borneo and also Sumatra many times. . I have also continued to fundraise for orangutan charities. As the volunteer ambassador for the Sumatran Orangutan Society I aim to support this charity through my talks. To enable this I share my stories, knowledge and experiences.

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