Jennifer Smith SpeakerNet Sponsor

Details of talks given by Jennifer Smith

North Yorkshire, East Riding, South Yorkshire
Notice Period:
Short (maybe less than one month's notice)
Hobby (former teacher)
Online Talks:
Yes, group must organise

I love science, especially biology! After gaining a PhD in microbiology, I enjoyed two rewarding careers, starting in biomedical research, at Newcastle University and Babraham Research Institute in Cambridgeshire. I then taught science for 14 years at Hull College. I loved teaching all ages, from age 16 to retired students. I still work in science education, as a school science technician, so I continue to enjoy the fun of practical science. I live with my husband, and our cat Berry, in Cottingham on the outskirts of Hull. Now that our two lovely daughters have flown the nest, and I’m free from the extra demands of teaching, I am looking forward to using my spare time to share my knowledge, experience and enthusiasm for science with adult audiences.

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North Yorkshire, East Riding, South Yorkshire

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