My writing journey and how it led me from one to the other - via my novels and authentic journeys into history and romance.
Views: 1649 | Enquiries: 5I'm an author of two published novels, four published short stories and many poems. I've also had a short play aired on radio and have written pieces for a local newspaper. I speak on my own behalf about my writing and about how that has woven itself into my life - and, conversely how my life has woven itself into my writing. My life experiences include my having been a teacher and an Interfaith worker, involved in my local Interfaith group, and the Jewish representative on two education Authorities' advisory groups for religious education. I am a trained bereavement counsellor, wife, mother and grandmother and all my roles, be they professional or not are of equal importance. My talk are light and last a long or short as people want. I charge a minimum of £70 and hope if possible to sell some novels while I am a much reduced price. I can travel in or near Cheshire and greater Manchester. One talk title is : 'FROM SUFFRAGETTES TO SPAGHETTI : MY WRITING JOURNEY' or is 'Feathered friends and shrieking sisters: A Suffragette History.' or: Everything you've ever wanted to know about Judaism and were afraid to ask.' Do get in touch!
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