My number one talk, in which some of the history of this ancient art is told. In addition facts about fascinating magicians are related and a demonstration of different styles of magic is provided. Humour, education and magic leaves the audience thoroughly entertained.
Views: 1890 | Enquiries: 18I qualified as a solicitor in 1976 and after stints as managing partner and senior partner in my firm took early retirement in 2011. I have a love of magic and gave my first stage performance in 1965. I am a Member of The Magic Circle and within that organisation I have been elevated to Associate Member of The Inner Magic Circle of which there are about 300 worldwide. Throughout my life I have spoken about magic and magicians on cruise ships and to various groups including Rotary Clubs, Round Table, Probus Clubs, University of the Third Age, Women's Institutes and assorted social clubs. Many groups have asked me back for second and third talks. You are guaranteed to have a fun and educational time.
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