Beyond Treasure Trove - What makes Treasure , Treasure?

Gail Boyle SpeakerNet Sponsor

Bristol, Gloucestershire, Wiltshire, Somerset, Monmouthshire, Newport
Notice Period:
Regular (more than one month's notice)
Paid: £70 plus mileage @40p per mile
1st March 2025

This talk demystifies the treasure process from the finding of objects, to reporting, valuation and rewards. It is illustrated throughout with example case studies of amazing finds and the stories behind them, as well as anecdotes of personal involvement from the museum curator perspective.

Views: 34 | Enquiries: 0

About Gail Boyle

Until recently I was Senior Curator of Archaeology & World Cultures with Bristol Museums, and with a career as a museum archaeologist spanning more than 40 years I have played and continue to play a leading role in promoting sector-wide professional development, standards, and practice. I am an accomplished public speaker and published author and my contribution to the sector is recognised by my Fellowship of the Museums Association and by my peers as a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries. I am Chair of the Council for British Archaeology’s Board of Trustees and Chair of Trustees for the Bristol & Gloucestershire Archaeological Society. I am also former Chair and current committee member of the Society for Museum Archaeology and amongst others sit on the DCMS Treasure Valuation Committee, the Portable Antiquities Advisory Group and Historic England’s Future of Archaeological Archives Project panel. Aside from this I am Chair of our parish council and Avon Local Council's Association and have expertise in the planning process.

I have been delivering talks to a wide variety of audiences for many years in multiple different settings from academia to schools, the WI, U3A and even in local prisons.

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