Thunderbirds has been impressing generations of adults and children since 1965. Set in 2065, we are still waiting for the future to come. In this talk I take a look at some of the technical advances in Thunderbirds and how it compares to our 2025 technology. How it correctly identified many things like, smart watches, video calling, and alternative energy vehicles, and how hyper sonic passenger airlines, fusion reactors and two mile high buildings are yet to be conceived.
I'll talk in detail about the specifications and possible real life inspirations for the famous, Fireflash. A hypersonic airliner capable of travelling at 6 times the speed of sound. I'll also talk about the lesser known Skythrust, an airliner with safety at it's heart, one of the many things that has come true, with the likes of the efficient and possibly the safest airliner known today the Airbus A350.
I also talk about the social issues that the futuristic Thunderbirds came up with, and how it affects the youth and the old. In particular how it affects the Tracy brothers, Scott, Virgil, John, Gordon and Alan.
Thunderbirds presents us with a very 60s idea of the future, progress, fast planes, no environmental issues. Is this idea of the future just plain fiction? Or is there some truth in Gerry Anderson's version of the future, and are we in fact heading for a more Thunderbirdesque world. There is certainly a possibility!
This nostalgic talk will bring back your childhood, and as a bonus the talk will come from Virgil Tracy himself! I will dress up as the Thunderbird two pilot, providing my own homemade costume.
Fun is go Nostalgia is go Thunderbirds are go!
Views: 20 | Enquiries: 0My name is Jacob Hulland. I am a young and dynamic actor, comedian, writer and speaker, with a passion for science fiction and fantasy.
I am just 24 years old, but have been performing since 2014. In this short time of experience, I have created my own theatre company, Hedgehog Theatre and have gained a reputation for quality entertainment for every age! I specialise in immersive theatre, children's theatre and stand-up comedy and am a registered Spotlight actor.
When you book me as a speaker, you get a subject you probably know very well, but perhaps haven't seen in an alternative way. My talks focus on re-imagining popular culture and what we think we know about it.
This includes, The Mis-understanding of Lewis Carroll, a talk about my journey creating a theatrical adaptation of Through the Looking Glass, and how close I became to this mysterious man. My research showed me that Carroll's work and personal life is frequently mis-interpreted as strange and inappropriate, but new research shows this couldn't be further from the truth. See how historical myth and faux evidence has brought public opinion down the wrong rabbit hole!
My most popular talk is on another piece of historical popular culture. Thunderbirds: A very 60s future, is about the beloved Gerry Anderson TV show, Thunderbirds from 1965. Set in 2065, Thunderbirds is still set in the future, despite being made 60 years ago! From the view point of the 60s, which at the time was subjected to great political, social and technological changes, Anderson and his team created their idea of 100 years in the future from a 1960s perspective. I will analyse why many of the elements of the show have correctly predicted the future such as, smart watches, video calls and nuclear technology and why others have quite happened yet. I will also take a look at how, perhaps, the world could end up like Thunderbirds by the time we reach the 2060s.
My talks are passionate and energic, and have the unique feel of 20th century nostalgia coming from a man born in the 21st!
Please feel free to take a look at some of my content via my Youtube channel.
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