The widespread integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into various aspects of daily life has sparked concerns about its potential negative impact on Human Intelligence (HI), particularly concerning memory function. While AI technologies offer numerous benefits, including improved efficiency and accessibility, there are present and emerging concerns about their adverse effects on HI and human memory.
One significant concern is the phenomenon of cognitive offloading, where individuals increasingly rely on AI-powered devices and applications to store and retrieve information that was traditionally managed by the human brain. As people delegate memory-related tasks to AI algorithms, such as remembering phone numbers, addresses, or schedules, there’s a risk of cognitive decline due to reduced mental stimulation and reliance on external aids. Over time, this may lead to a deterioration in memory recall ability and overall cognitive function.
Moreover, the constant availability of AI-driven digital assistants and smart devices can lead to a phenomenon known as digital amnesia, where individuals become reliant on external devices for storing information, resulting in a decline in their ability to retain and recall information independently. Continuous reliance on AI for memory-related tasks may weaken neural pathways associated with memory encoding and retrieval, ultimately leading to decreased memory performance and cognitive flexibility.
Our experience of what it is to be human will continue to change as the exponential growth of what is already an immense number of use cases of generative AI will have a profound impact on everything ‘we do’ – or ‘stop doing’ as humans. Increasingly we are going to find that AI intervention in all areas of white-collar work and creativity will become ubiquitous – predictably at the expense of our mental agility. While AI technologies offer unprecedented opportunities for innovation and convenience, it’s crucial to acknowledge and address their potential negative impact on memory function and overall HI.
To mitigate these risks, it’s essential to promote continuing mental agility using strategies and approaches that exert the brain daily in ways that enhance memory function and stave off cognitive decline in the AI age.
Views: 103 | Enquiries: 1My name is Dr. Segun Adu, founder of Smarter Brains, a cognitive trainer dedicated to exploring the intersection of human intelligence and technological disruption. I speak about a timely and thought-provoking topic:
“The Comfort Epidemic: Disruption of Human Intelligence by AI – Are We Offloading Too Much?”
As artificial intelligence continues to revolutionize industries and daily life, an often-overlooked consequence is emerging—the diminishing use of our own cognitive faculties - which may lead to brain atrophy. With AI now performing tasks that once required deep thinking, problem-solving and memory recall, are we at risk of weakening the very abilities that define human intelligence?
Key Focus Areas of My Talk:
The Cognitive Shift – How AI is altering human thinking, learning and decision-making. The Risks of Over-Reliance – The mental atrophy that occurs when we delegate too much to machines. The Future of Human Intelligence – How we can retain and enhance cognitive agility in an AI-driven world.
With a strong background in cognitive science, memory training and behavioural psychology, I have recently delivered keynotes and masterclasses on this topic at prestigious events and institutions, including:
Speaking to chief executives at a CIO event on the cognitive impact of AI; London Chamber of Commerce and Industry Delivering masterclasses for the Project Management Institute (PMI) to professionals and students at:
Additionally, I am the inventor of the MEJJI Puzzle, a cognitive tool designed to engage both hemispheres of the brain, reinforcing the importance of maintaining mental sharpness in an era of increasing automation (Available on Amazon: ).
I believe this very current topic will resonate deeply with participants, providing critical insights into how we can coexist with AI without compromising our cognitive abilities. In fact, I have often said, we are headed towards a global epidemic until we begin to address the negative impact to our brains. I would welcome the opportunity to contribute to this important conversation at your events. I believe the topic sits well under several areas, including: Health and wellbeing as well as Technology,
Please let me know a convenient time to discuss further by phone or zoom. I look forward to the possibility of collaborating and making this session a valuable experience for attendees.
Best regards, Dr. Segun Adu Cognitive Scientist
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