My talk includes my 1000 mile canoe expedition to navigate the rapids and cataracts on the Nile for which I was made a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society
25 years in the Army with several tours with Airborne Forces and Commando Forces for which I was proud to wear the red and green berets.
Comparing leadership in the Army to civilian life and adjusting from military to civilian life.
Experience of managing a Pontins Holiday Camp leading to managing a prestigious leisure resort in the English Lake District, culminating with running my own worldwide walking and adventure holiday company and how it developed with clients becoming friends.
Laced with humour, the story should appeal to anone living a boring life and seeking new challenges.
Views: 109 | Enquiries: 1'You've Not Come Here To Enjoy Yourself' , a book written by David Fairs is an extraordinary story of a man who loved the Army, including service with Airborne Forces and as an Army Commando. Life was full of excitement and adventure but he decided in mid career to take a gamble by seeking a new path that would ultimately lead to operating his own travel company. The change of direction presented huge challenges. His life is packed full of adventures, not least his 1000 mile canoe expedition down the Nile for which he was made a Fellow of the Geographical Society. Managing a Pontins Holiday complex was a surprise choice for someone of his background but colourful descriptions of the challenges he faced make fascinating reading. Managing one of the most prestigious leisure complexes in the Lake District led to his ultimate achievement of setting up his own walking and adventure company and accompanying discerning travellers to over 70 different countries around the world. His story is laced with humour and an inspiration to all those seeking to dig themselves out of a dull and unproductive routine. The illustrated talk lasts 45 minutes.
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