Conscientious Objection: A Headteacher's story in WW1

Wendy Shepherd

Fordham History Society Essex
Notice Period:
Short (maybe less than one month's notice)
Paid: £50
17th October 2024

Inspired to produce a talk about our village head teacher, a C.O. who was asked not to return to his job after the war, my research took me on an interesting trail looking at Conscientious Objection in both world wars. I found examples of how men were treated and how the stigma of being a C.O. lived with many of them for the rest of their lives. The talk includes how the Suffragette Movement were involved in giving out the white feathers, how Dartmoor Prison and Dyce Workcamp in Aberdeen were used to 'occupy' those men who refused to be part of the Non Combatant Corps. With examples of herosim to show that many men were not all malingerers, the story of the Conscientious Objector is a sensitive and contentious subject which offers many varied opinions and discussion points.

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About Wendy Shepherd

I am a retired Primary School Teacher and Assistant Headteacher. I have lived in Fordham Essex since 2012 and was pleasantly surprised that the small village had a History Society; that I immediately joined. I became chairman and organiser of Fordham History Society back in 2017. I have been a family history researcher since 1986 after my father died and my mother came to live with me. An old battered suitcases of family treasures started my interest in family history, although I have always liked history. In Fordham we are fortunate to have an archaeological dig site. My brother is a professional archaeologist and in the past I have worked with him on digs in Norfolk over a period of 10 years. Fordham History Society has a very good archive of documents and over 2000 photographs. From this archive, books have been written by our members. I have written a book about Fordham and WW1 to commemorate the Centenary of WW1 and with the help of Heritage Lottery money I was able to write the book, organise a week long exhibition, write a Scheme of Work for the village Primary School and having researched all our casualties on our war memorial; had ten more missing names added to the memorial. I am now in the process of writing a book about Fordham and WW2 and I am working on other village projects such as a photographic project of all the gravestones in the village churchyard. I have been giving historical talks to groups for eight years. These talks are varied, they include a range of talks relating to family history, photography and parish records, there are military themed talks covering Waterloo, WW1, WW2, Jutland, Raid on Zeebrugge, Women's Land Army and Conscientious Objection (the village school headteacher was an objector) and two that I do in costume; one as a pilgrim and another as a suffragette.

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