Understand Your Dog

Charlotte Kasner

Companion Animal Behavioural Services
Notice Period:
Emergency (maybe less than one week's notice)
Paid: £100 per hour
8th October 2024
Dogs | Animal Behaviour | Pets

Ever wondered why your dog is behaving as he does? Ever wondered what your dog is thinking?

Understand basic canine behaviour from the origins of dogs to how dogs use their bodies to communicate to us and to each other.

Views: 190 | Enquiries: 0

About Charlotte Kasner

I was a professional performer for 35 years and am now a qualified applied animal behaviourist and trainer. I provide media services to radio, print and television I specialise in the science of positive reinforcement training (including training humans) as applied to animal training but also in the ballet world (I have an MA in Ballet Studies and specialised in Soviet Ballet) I can provide customised talks and interactive workshops to a wide variety of audiences on the origins and behaviour of dogs, cats and horses and on the behaviour of animals in general

Qualifications include

  • ADip Applied Animal Behaviour
  • ADip Canine Behaviour Management
  • ADip Feline Behaviour Management
  • Karen Pryor Academy Certified Training Partner
  • Member of the Animal Behaviour and Training Council, the Association of Pet Behaviour Councillors and the Institute of Animal Professionals

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