Stones and Crosses of the North York Moors

Paula Connelly

East Riding, North Yorkshire
Notice Period:
Emergency (maybe less than one week's notice)
Paid: £45 plus expenses
6th September 2024

An illustrated exploration of some of the more noteworthy stone crosses and standing stones to be found in the North York Moors National Park. This talk covers the landscape setting, history and legends surrounding some of these enigmatic monuments.

Duration: Approximately 1 hour

Views: 173 | Enquiries: 0

About Paula Connelly

I’m Paula, I have a BA (Hons) in. Arts & Humanities and I have a lifelong interest in history, archaeology, nature and walking in the countryside.

Over the years I’ve walked hundreds of miles, mostly in the north of England - in the Yorkshire Wolds, the North York Moors, Yorkshire Dales, Lake District and Peak District. I’ve also completed several long distance trails. I have a popular online blog, following my adventures and have had walks and photographs published in national walking magazines.

I’m a semi-professional photographer and have had my images published in magazines and books, on websites, on TV and even in a Hollywood movie. It goes without saying, therefore, that my talks are all illustrated.

My talks have been well received by groups such as Probus and the U3A and I love sharing my passion for history, nature and the landscape. I have my own equipment (projector, stand, screen etc.) and can usually be ready to go at very short notice!

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