Microbes and Man

Martin Luke

West Yorkshire, Greater Manchester, Lancashire
Notice Period:
Emergency (maybe less than one week's notice)
4th September 2024

My talk covers these sub-topics. Early theories of microbes and disease. The "Golden Age" of discovery of medically important disease causes 1857 to 1914.. Short biographies of the pioneers in Microbiology. Microbial structure & function. Laboratory techniques for isolation & identification of medically important microbes.

Views: 175 | Enquiries: 1

About Martin Luke

I am a former Biomedical Scientist & Science teacher, now retired. My talk is entitled "Microbes & Men" and lasts up to an hour.

I carry a USB with my Powerpoint presentation in my wallet and if available, I can give the presentation at VERY short notice. From my location on the Greater Manchester/West Yorkshire border I can reach most of the areas offered areas within a couple of hours.

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