The Women Who Went Round the World

Sally Smith SpeakerNet Sponsor

South West
Notice Period:
Emergency (maybe less than one week's notice)
Friendly professional
Paid: £120 plus travel
22nd August 2024

Sally's second talk, on her new book just released (2024) by The History Press, is full of hugely entertaining and sometimes breathtaking stories. It covers the women who achieved real records by becoming the first to complete a full circumnavigation by sea, land and finally by air. It starts off with Jeanne Baret, the first woman ever to go round the world in 1767. Dressed as a man, she joined a French expedition ship. When she discovered a dramatic plant high in the hills above Rio de Janeiro and brought it back to the ship, the plant was called the Bougainvillea after the Captain. The idea was to bribe the captain and stop him revealing Jeanne was in fact a woman, something that could have landed her in prison or worse. It worked, and Jeanne continued to have adventures as she went on round the world. The stories of these remarkable women go on... Mary Ann Parker, who sailed to Port Jackson (now Sydney) with the third fleet in 1791 and then caused horror by welcoming an Aboriginal Australian into her London home 60 years before Darwin published his evolutionary views; there's Ida Pfeiffer who slept with freshly cut heads in Sarawak; and sophisticated Annette Meakin, sitting in elegant Edwardian clothing on the floor of a wooden carriage rattling along the first rail track to cross Siberia before going on to become the first woman to go round the world by train. Women have been making extraordinary and groundbreaking circumnavigations of the world for over 200 years and Sally's talk helps to give them the recognition they deserve. The talk is about one hour long and is supported by various slides.

Views: 47 | Enquiries: 1

About Sally Smith

Sally Smith is a journalist and light hearted, entertaining writer who has worked for various publications and media including the Daily Mail and BBC News in England and ABC News in Australia. She was named Business Writer of the Year, has a Churchill Fellowship and is an established author with books published by Pelham Books, Rigby Books and The History Press. She has spent a lifetime involved in women’s aviation including as a member of both the British parachute and the Australian ballooning team, and was the founder of the world’s first all-girl parachute display team, British women’s freefall (style) parachute champion, second overall female at the World Ballooning Championships and a commercial balloon pilot. Along with aviation, Sally has always been keen on travel, visiting over 70 countries and has worked in major cities around the world from Cairo to Singapore and Tokyo to Perth, Western Australia.

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