Welsh Waller, Westward Ho

Sean Adcock

Notice Period:
Emergency (maybe less than one week's notice)
3rd August 2024

From New York State to California, New Mexico to Quebec, via Conneticut, Kansas, Kentucky, Hawaii, North Carolina, Ontario, Oregon, and Vermont. A look at dry stone projects, training and symposia I have been involved in in North America, plus some of the stonework I've seen on my travels westward. Highlights include Restoring Harvey Fite's Opus40, the creation of the Mendocino Stone Zone and working alongside the Stone Foundation and DSWAC

Views: 252 | Enquiries: 0

About Sean Adcock

Professional dry stone waller and author. Dry Stone Walling Association (DSWA) Master Craftsman certificate holder, winner of over 30 walling competitions around UK, twice runner up in UK championships. Co author of TCVs "Dry Stone walling" widely regarded as leading instruction manual on the craft, and booklets "Stonework" (a how not to guide), and "Clawdd Construction" the only known instruction manual on building Welsh stone faced Banks. Contributing editor "Stonechat" including renowned "Masterclass" series of articles on technical aspects of the craft. Has spoken to groups and societies across UK and at various conferences/symposia in USA, Canada, Eire. Spoke at the 2024 Jeju Peace forum in South Korea. Awarded British Empire Medal in 2024 for services to dry stone walling.

Can talk on all aspects of the craft. Given sufficient notice I am happy to develop a talk to suit the interest of any group. Off the peg presentations which can be given (or provide interested groups with inspiration for a new topic) at short notice can be seen below. I do not charge for speaking, expenses/accommodation on away trips is appreciated. Donations to Wales Branch of DSWA also appreciated.

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