Tudor Portrait Miniatures - homegrown excellence!

Martin Attridge

South East
Notice Period:
Short (maybe less than one month's notice)
Paid: £50 for a group of 40 or less, adjusted for larger groups
30th July 2024

Our major art development in the Tudor period

  • An innovation taken up by Hans Holbein the Younger, royal painter to King Henry VIII
  • Made famous by Exeter-born, Nicholas Hilliard, with many images of Queen Elizabeth I
  • Developed by his pupil, Issac Oliver,a much-favoured miniaturist also in James I reign
  • Paintings were intially round, about 5 cms diameter, and watercolours on vellum
  • Progressed until 19th century, also exploiting enamels and ivory, when displaced by photography
  • Major exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery in 2019; the V & A holds national collection of 2000
Views: 101 | Enquiries: 0

About Martin Attridge

I have lived with my wife in Harpenden, Hertfordshire for the past 40 years. At school, I hated history; it was boring, populated by nasty people, and didn’t seem to have any bearing on growing up in the 1960s! I dropped the subject at 14 and opted to study science instead. Following a career spent mainly in commercial training roles, I looked for other subjects in retirement to occupy my time outside the house. I researched and developed a wide range of short, historical talks and offered them to local groups in and around Harpenden. More recently, I have focused on London-based history and art topics as they are of specific interest to me. I aim to make all my sessions fun and informative; I am regularly praised for my lack of formality and inclusion of audience members, inviting questions at all times. I always give a short handout to participants as a takeaway from my sessions. I hope you are attracted by my talks and look forward to hearing from you.

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