1.Improving girls education in rural Nepal

Elizabeth Cozens

Notice Period:
Regular (more than one month's notice)
Paid: £50 plus travel
30th July 2024

In Nepal I worked with Nepali nationals to improve education in the rural primary and secondary schools in seven different areas of the country. Some schools were so remote I had to trek 8 hours through the high hills to reach them. The focus was to encourage girls to remain in school instead of being married off at puberty and often being pregnant long before they were physically able to have children safely. We also devised multilingual education programs to help children whose tribal language was not Nepali and who started school unable to understand anything the teacher was saying

Views: 269 | Enquiries: 2

About Elizabeth Cozens

I am a retired Science teacher who returned just before the pandemic from several years living and working in Asia. In Nepal I worked in 7 different regions around the country from the flat southern region bordering India to the high Himalayas close to the Tibetan plateau. In Nepal, while travelling around to improve local schools, I developed my love of birdwatching and became very interested in the flora and fauna of the region. I have also lived and worked in Bangladesh as well as travelling extensively worldwide. I love sharing my experiences including my recovery from cancer diagnosed in 2012

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