“Do you know who I am?”

Mr Julian Gee

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Expensed: I would welcome a charity donation to https://www.janescarthhouse.co.uk/
25th July 2024

Andy Warhol once said’ "In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes." This talk takes a look at the world of celebrity and attempts to answer such questions as:

  • Where did the notion of celebrity come from?
  • How do people become ‘celebrities’?
  • How does television create celebrities?

Along the way we will meet many well know faces and once famous people who have all enjoyed their 15 minutes in the limelight!

Views: 395 | Enquiries: 3

About Mr Julian Gee

A proud native of Southampton, Julian describes himself as an adman, entrepreneur, educator and speaker. Over the past 40 years he has built his career in the four categories as despite being a keen cyclist he didn’t have the talent to ride his bike for a living!

An experienced and entertaining speaker, Julian enjoys sharing aspects of his professional life and other interests with audiences ranging from teenagers to seniors.

He has lectured and taught at many UK universities and has been an Enrichment Speaker for cruise lines for over a decade. Julian is an Associate Member of the Professional Speaking Association.

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