All things foraged are seasonal and mostly reliant on the right conditions which is why it is a hobby that can help you get outside in all weathers to find delicious wild ingredients from plants, to fungi to fruits and roots!
How incorporating a small wild food treasure hunt into your routine can aid both your personal success, business and overall well-being and mental health.
Views: 283 | Enquiries: 0Full time forager for wild foods and green social prescriber.
Connecting people with nature through wild food education, well-being walks and talks and life experience.
Being both Neurodivergent & ADHD is my superpower now! After many years of confusion I now speak on this subject too and mental health surrounding this topic.
'Featuring in Country Living Magazine October 2024'
Working currently on various events with The National Trust and other charities and organisations.
Member of The Association of Foragers and huge fan of baking and cookery with wild ingredients.
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