People appeared before the ecclesiastical courts for a wide range of misdemeanours including adultery, brawling in church and slander. The cases reveal some of the more scandalous aspects of life in our community in past centuries as well as details of people’s lives, relationships and the things they argued about. Come along and find out about a long-running dispute over a pew, a take-over bid by bogus churchwardens, drunken officials and much more.
Views: 278 | Enquiries: 2Anne Mealia is a professional genealogist and historical researcher and has been running her own business, Evergreen Ancestry, for over ten years. She is a member of the Association of Genealogists and Researchers in Archives (AGRA) and has carried out research for Who Do You Think You Are and was Archives Researcher for the Channel 4 documentary The Queen’s lost family. She is a guide with Calderdale Heritage Walks and regularly leads walks in the Todmorden area.
Anne offers in person talks in West Yorkshire and East Lancashire and online talks anywhere.
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