The Life and Times of Buffalo Bill Cody

Michael Astrop SpeakerNet Sponsor

Yorkshire & Humber
Notice Period:
Short (maybe less than one month's notice)
Paid: £ 80
5th June 2024

There is much controversy about the role that William Cody played in the destruction of the native American people, but some say he was a conservationist, a proponent of American Indian treaty rights, a supporter of the women’s suffrage movement and a Quaker vehemently opposed to slavery. This talk tries to untangle the truth from the romantic fiction and places Cody in the correct context of the emerging West.

Views: 112 | Enquiries: 0

About Michael Astrop

Having spent the last twenty years training, writing, and talking about business and behavioural issues, Michael is now retired and is developing his talks to groups and associations. Michael is well known to Probus groups, u3a groups antiquarian societies, and charities.

“Our members enjoyed your talk on inn signs so much I think they would be happy to welcome you every week!” Thornton Antiquarian Society

“Thank you so much for a fascinating talk on Tuesday. It was a wonderful start to our new season. We will certainly be booking you for the 20/21 season.” Boroughbridge Antiques Society.

Can travel in Yorkshire, Lancashire, and Humberside.

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