Souls on Board - an overview of environmental human impact

Alan Phillip Clark

First Class Gardens
South East
Notice Period:
Emergency (maybe less than one week's notice)
Retired professional!
Paid: £100 up to 20 miles then plus agreed travel
19th May 2024

We live on a planet presently occupied by 7/8 billion other humans ( depending on whom you consult) - this Talk considers the implications - and is suitable for all kinds if interest groups - not purely Gardening or Horticultural clubs - or for that matter, age ranges.

Views: 153 | Enquiries: 0

About Alan Phillip Clark

My first adventures in a garden were undertaken while accompanied by Big Teddy - I have never lost the enquiring spirit of those first explorations - the smell of earth and the joys of digging! From those first forays observing the lives and deaths going on in suburban undergrowth - I progressed to professional training in Horticulture in the early 1960's with connections to both Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew and Royal Horticultural Society's Wisley - picking up some old Skool farm experience on the way! My mid years saw me in various levels of the construction industry - literally - from tunnels and basements to topping out Canary Wharf. First Class Gardens was formed in 1996 to provide high value landscaping and maintenance to folk that could afford it!

All through my life, I've been something of a fanatic veggie grower - I still tend eight allotments - exhibit show specimens and attempt to grow giants - emphasis on the "attempt!"


My Talks follow the old BBC remit to Inform, Educate and Entertain - and in this respect - they certainly are Talks - not lectures even though I do a lot of informing - but also laugh - as hopefully will your meeting!

Most of my repertoire has a simple gardening flavour with some Horticulture which I modify according to my audience - more titles are being added suitable for general interest of groups such as U3A

Do please visit my website for full listing

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