The development of Medicines

Dr Graham Hughes

Surrey, Kent, East Sussex, West Sussex, Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Berkshire, Hampshire, London
Notice Period:
Short (maybe less than one month's notice)
Paid: £50 - £100
6th May 2024

I would describe in detail the process going from the discovery of a white powder to prescribing the drug by a doctor.

Views: 500 | Enquiries: 2

About Dr Graham Hughes

Dr Graham Hughes was the joint founder and Scientific Director of Technomark Consulting Services Inc., a leading authority on pharmaceutical development out- sourcing from preclinical to clinical and manufacturing.
Dr Hughes has an MA and a PhD in inorganic chemistry from the University of Cambridge. He was awarded Research Fellowships at University of California, Los Angeles, and Boston University before joining ICI Mond Division as a Research Scientist. He then became European Development Manager for ICI’s sub- sidiary, Atlas Chemicals in Brussels, and subsequently set up and jointly managed Effect Chemicals Development within ICI Europa. As the Regional Development Director for Zoecon, he was responsible for the development and exploitation of a range of animal health, agrochemical, and environmental health products for Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. Zoecon Europe was the prototype for the virtual com- pany with a staff of two, conducting R&D throughout the region solely through out- sourcing and collaborations. While at Technomark he was a frequent speaker at international conferences on drug development and became an internationally known expert on outsourcing. While at Technomark he played a leading role in its collaboration with Lloyds Development Capital in the identification and due diligence on investing in emerging biotech companies.

He currently lives in France part time and has travelled extensively in the Nord/ Pas de Calais region. He has given several lectures on modern life in France fully illustrated with photos of this most interesting region.

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