Caregiving – how to avoid burnout

Hazel Carter

Notice Period:
Short (maybe less than one month's notice)
Professional - not for profit speaker (except for commercial organisations)
9th April 2024

Most of us will become caregivers at some points in our lives - espectially as currently social care in the UK is in serious need of a route and branch review.

So how do you manage caregiving without burning out yourself?

Based on personal experience of being a carer for her mum (who has vascular dementia) and her late husband (who had motor nerone disease), Hazel reveals the lessons she learned and provides helpful some tips.

Views: 412 | Enquiries: 2

About Hazel Carter

Award winning author and hightly rated inspirational speaker.

Before I published my book ( in 2023, I was a board director, used to presenting at various events.

I am used to speaking to all sizes of groups - from 12 to 500.

My talks are inspirational as well as educatonal and typically last between 30 - 45 minutes. I usually use powerpoint slides in support of my talks, but can talk without them if equipment is not available.

As a not for profit speaker and author, I give all money received from sale of my book to three charities close to my heart

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