Interactive reminiscence session on the theme of "doing the washing". Take a step back in time and recall the sweat (and tears) of washdays in the early-mid 20th Century. Flat irons, possers and gypsy pegs and recalling the first electric washers and spin dryers! PowerPoint presentation. Approx. 60mins.
Views: 1814 | Enquiries: 3I worked for many years for Staffordshire and then Stoke-on-Trent Libraries delivering services to the wider community and focusing on outreach and development work.
My library role allowed me the opportunity to develop my passion for reminiscence work both in terms of delivering sessions and training others. Together with a colleague from Stoke-on-Trent Museums, I wrote an OCN accredited course, "Delivering Reminiscence". This course was very successful and was delivered by myself for more than six years.
I moved from Libraries in 2007 and for the last eight years of my career with the City Council, I managed the Adult and Community Learning Service; taking it through two successful Ofsted inspections, before leaving in 2015 to focus on my reminiscence work.
I have been reminiscing with groups for almost 30 years! I am keenly interested in people; their lives and their communities - my talks and reminiscence sessions reflect a great many years of collecting stories, memories and musings from the people of Staffordshire and surrounding counties.
I offer versions of all of my talks delivered virtually via Zoom and other online video conferencing.
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