An American Connection

Peter Mathers SpeakerNet Sponsor

Notice Period:
Emergency (maybe less than one week's notice)
1st March 2024
Gardens | America | Garden

A talk of about an hour (which can be shortened as required) illustrated by PowerPoint slides of English gardens that have strong connections with the United States - from Washington Old Hall, Tyne and Wear to Cliveden, the home of the Astors.

This talk is available to book now but only for bookings from November 2024.

Views: 601 | Enquiries: 2

About Peter Mathers

Peter caught the speaker's bug almost by accident when, many years ago, he started to write and deliver training sessions to staff of Barclays Bank where he used to work. After a mid-life career change, he now works in the railway industry. Outside work, his main interests include art and architecture, travel and theatre. This last interest led him to a small claim to fame when, whilst working behind the bar in a theatre in York many years ago, he served Kate O'Mara a tomato juice.

He successfully completed the training, and qualified through the medium of a practical examination as an Area Speaker from the National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies in 2014. He continues his professional development and in August 2023 qualified as a National Speaker.

Peter's talks are all based on PowerPoint, and can be tailored to fit the length required for audiences. The full length talks are an hour, but can be shortened for something like an after-luncheon talk. Talks can be delivered remotely via Zoom if required.

Peter was born in Bradford but now is proud to call the beautiful city of York his home, He will travel any distance to deliver a talk. CHARGES are by negotiation, there is no fixed fee.

Further details are on my website

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