Border Farce - Tall tales from passport control

Stephen Spencer

Spencer Languages
East of England
Notice Period:
Short (maybe less than one month's notice)
Paid: £60
17th December 2023

The British Isles have been attractive to immigrants for millennia. There is nothing new in people arriving on these shores in boats, or in our apparent inability to regulate the flow. The speaker has experience of operating the passport control and anecdotes to illustrate a talk which promises food for thought.

Views: 496 | Enquiries: 9

About Stephen Spencer

After a first career as an immigration officer at various ports of entry, and having dabbled briefly with the military, I retrained as an interpreter, but somehow became a teacher of modern languages.

My interests include target-rifle shooting, motorcycles, and tinkering with boats. Like many of the recently-retired I engage in a range of voluntary activities. I have also returned to tutoring learners of all ages and find this rewarding.

In 2016 I was awarded the Lidice Memorial Medal for services rendered in the Czech Republic.

The talks that I offer are based around my experiences and interests.

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