Complementary therapies can reduce the burden on the NHS

Dr Gurmej Virk

Notice Period:
Emergency (maybe less than one week's notice)
Expensed: £150. Concessions for not-for-profit organisations.
26th June 2024

Despite the wonderful service that the NHS delivers, there are times when it cannot provide as much help and support as is required. Complementary therapies take a holistic look at health and can often bridge this gap and improve the lives of people who are suffering with chronic illness, both physical and mental.

In this talk I discuss how a holistic way of thinking about our health can be of enormous benefit to everyone, whether you have an illness or not.

Views: 382 | Enquiries: 1

About Dr Gurmej Virk

I have been using complementary therapy with my patients for over 20 years. As well as running a clinic, I run courses to train complementary therapists.

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