Nick Molloy ‘retired’ from his fat cat salary wearing a suit when he was 29 to become a full time athlete. Worried that his nest-egg investments might not quite see him through for another 60 years, he trained professionally in the day and erotically disrobed at night to invest further in his schemes. Taking a wry look at a life he chose as an outsider so he could fund his record attempts, he shines a light on this little understood area of the economy. He pulls no punches with lots of amusing stories along the way.
Views: 558 | Enquiries: 3Nick Molloy was born with Autism and a Club Foot. He used his autistic gift for numbers wisely, he was able to enter semi-retirement before he exited his 20s. He then pursued his real passion - sports. He has competed either nationally, internationally or professionally in six different sports (7 if you include mind sports). His club foot has been a huge hindrance but it has never stopped him. Training by day he occasionally moonlighted as an erotic disrober by night to boost his pension fund. Although not anymore, he was known to sometimes answer to the moniker of Sexecute. He is also a proud Terrapin dad to Marvin (named after a certain Marvelous Marvin).
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