Bizzarre Sussex - an A to Z

robert slater

South East
Notice Period:
Short (maybe less than one month's notice)
Paid: 100
2nd November 2023

An assemblage of eccentrics, a gathering of geniuses, a melody of composers, a phantasmagoria of ghosts, a hotchpotch of diseases, a sprinkling of saints, a clutter of criminals, a cache of writers and much much more on a tour of the A to Z of bizarre sussex

Views: 490 | Enquiries: 3

About robert slater

Local author and walk guide - published some 13 books ranging from local ghost - East Sussex, West Sussex, Northamptonshire also Various other local history books and guidebooks. Running Guided Walks in Pevensey, Lewes, Alfriston and Rye for the past 30 years (ghost Walks and also Crime and Smuggling) TV, Radio etc Public Speaking

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