My Big Garden Safari

Richard P Winston CPAGB AFIAP

South East
Notice Period:
Short (maybe less than one month's notice)
Paid: £70 within 10 mile radius of home. Plus 25p per mile beyond £50 Zoom
11th October 2023

My Big Garden Safari - I’ve travelled to many countries over the past 16 years taking photographs of exotic birds and animals. This talk brings everything back home; to my back garden to be precise, and show cases the many birds, butterflies and other insects that I have captured on film just yards away from my living room.

Views: 528 | Enquiries: 1

About Richard P Winston CPAGB AFIAP

I am a retired foreign languages teacher living in Sidcup with my wife, also a former teacher. I took up serious photography in 2007. After two decades of being a bird watcher and about to retire from the classroom, I thought it would be useful to have something to take home with me after my bird watching forays. This has led to photographing many birds and animals around the world. For the past year I have been giving talks on my photography to various organisations such as the U3A, Active Retirement Associations, Probus and the WI, for whom I am an approved speaker. More details about my talks can be found on the "Photographic Talks" page of my website at:

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