Yorkshire Air Ambulance - Saving lives

Clare Deacon

Yorkshire Air Ambulance
Yorkshire & Humber
Notice Period:
Emergency (maybe less than one week's notice)
Free: Free
21st August 2023

Yorkshire Air Ambulance is 100% charity. Yorkshire is the largest county and 5 million people live here. Find out about our two helicopters, how we need to raise £19000 every day and hear stories of those who have been saved.

Views: 529 | Enquiries: 3

About Clare Deacon

Yorkshire Air Ambulance is a dedicated helicopter emergency air ambulance for the Yorkshire. It was established in October 2000, and currently operates two Airbus H145 aircraft. It is an independent charity that relies solely on the donations of individuals and organisations. It costs £19000 per day to keep the two helicopters flying. Our speakers give a 45 minute talk to explain the history of the charity and the lives that have been saved. We do not charge for our talks but ask that we may bring along YAA merchandise.

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