Madness and Mayhem - 25 years of amateur dramatics

Joanne Gordon

East Midlands
Notice Period:
Regular (more than one month's notice)
Charity and Hobby
Paid: Approx £35.00
8th April 2024

A behind the scenes look at what really goes on to put on a performance. Mishaps and mayhem that the audience may never know about, though they might. As well as a talk about the talented, dedicated amateurs who want to entertain.

Views: 416 | Enquiries: 1

About Joanne Gordon

Previously in my capacity as Co-ordinator of Derbyshire Asbestos Support Team, I regularly gave talks. I continue to do so as part of Chesterfield and North Derbyshire Tinnitus Support Group. Pre-covid I was a member of a very active local amateur dramatic society. I'm now trying to 'live the good life' working with my husband gardening, growing veg and keeping chickens.

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